Themes and Exercises for "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner"

The following are some of the major themes in The Rime of the Ancient Mariner:
  • The Natural World (The Physical) vs. The Spiritual World (Metaphysical)
  • Nature vs. Man / Artifact
  • Liminality (Liminal Space)
  • Religion
  • Imprisonment
  • Retribution
  • Narration (Storytelling)


Exercise 1:

Summarize each part and identify the main themes in each part.

Exercise 2:

What Christian and/or Biblical references are present in this poem. Look, for instance, for symbols referring to baptism, crucifixion, and original sin.

Exercise 3:

How does "nature" change after the Ancient Mariner kills the albatross? Look at symbolism, metaphor, and rhyme scheme to support your answer.

Exercise 4:

What types of imagery are present in this poem? Which senses do you think is emphasized in this poem? Why?

Exercise 5:

Find examples of "imprisonment" in the poem. Discuss how these instances contribute to greater themes of imprisonment, like imprisonment to fate or sin.


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